
Telephone Directory

Divisional Level Officer
Name of Officer Code office Residence Email ID Contact No.
Shri Lalchand Dadel, I.A.S, Commissioner Dumka 06434 222286 227191(F) commissionerspdivision[at]gmail[dot]com, divcomm-spddumka[at]jharkhandmail[dot]gov[dot]in ——-
—– —- —- —–(F) dig-dumka[at]jhpolice[dot]gov[dot]in —–
District Level Officers
Name of Officer Telephone Code Office Residence Email ID Contact No.
Shri Vishal Sagar, I.A.S, Deputy Commissioner, Deoghar 06432 235718 /232680 232720 /232967(F) dcdeoghar[at]gmail[dot]com, dc-deo[at]nic[dot]in ——
Shri Ajeet Peter Dungdung, IPS, SP, Deoghar 06432 232733 232777 spdeoghar[at]jhpolice[dot]gov[dot]in, sp-deo[at]nic[dot]in ——-
Shri Navin Kumar, J.A.S, DDC-cum-CEO Zila Parishad, Deoghar 06432 232246 ddcdeoghar[at]gmail[dot]com, ddc-deo[at]nic[dot]in ——-
, Additional Collector, Deoghar 06432 232730 238761 acdeoghar2010[at]gmail[dot]com, adc[dot]deoghar-jhr[at]nic[dot]in ——
Shri Bhibuti Mandal, Director DRDA, Deoghar, 06432 232326 232327 ——
Shri Rohit Sinha, Chief Executive Officer, Deoghar Nagar Nigam 06432 232786 232552 deogharmunicipality[at]yahoo[dot]com —–
Shri Bhibuti Mandal, Director NREP, Deoghar ddc-deo[at]nic[dot]in ——
Smt. Sagari Baral, J.A.S., SDO, Deoghar 06432 232326 232327 sdodeoghar[at]gmail[dot]com, sdo-deoghar[at]jharkhandmail[dot]gov[dot]in ——
Shri Aashish Agarwal, I.A.S., SDO, Madhupur 06438 224482 224561 sdomdp[at]gmail[dot]com, ——-
Shri Hrithik Srivastava, SDPO, Deoghar 06432 232384 232284 dgr[dot]sdpo-deoghar[at]jharpolice[dot]gov[dot]in ——
Shri Binod Kumar Rawani, SDPO, Madhupur 06438 224610 224577 dgr[dot]sdpo-madhupur[at]jharpolice[dot]gov[dot]in ——
Smt. Sarita Bharti, ADSS, DSSC, Deoghar dsscdeoghar[at]gmail[dot]com —–
Shri Abhay Kumar Parasar, District Informatics Officer, National Informatics Centre, Deoghar 06432 234189 dio-dgh[at]nic[dot]in ——
Miss Deepmala, Regional Deputy Director J.I.A.D.A.,Deoghar 06432 234189 —–
Dr. Ranjan Sinha, Civil Surgeon, Deoghar deoghar[dot]cs1[at]gmail[dot]com ——
Shri Shailesh Kumar Singh, Deputy Election Officer, Deoghar, 06432 237533 eodeoghar[at]gmail[dot]com ——
Shri Naresh Rajak, District Supply Officer, Deoghar dso[dot]dgr[at]gmail[dot]com ——-
Shri Shailesh Kumar Singh, N.D.C, Deoghar ndcdeoghar[at]gmail[dot]com ——-
District Land Acquisition Officer, Deoghar deoghardlao[at]gmail[dot]com/ —-
Shri Aashish Agarwal, I.A.S., LRDC, Madhupur sdomdp[at]gmail[dot]com ——-
Shri Ranvir Kumar Singh, District Panchayati Raj Officer, Deoghar, deoghardpro[at]gmail[dot]com ——
Shri Nitesh Kumar Gautam, Nodal Officer Jharkhand Jan-Samadhan, CPGRAM, Deoghar. deogharsamadhan[at]gmail[dot]com ——
Shri Rakesh Kumar, Treasury Officer Deoghar dgrtreas-jhr[at]nic[dot]in ——
Shri Yamun Ravidas, Sub-Treasury Officer, Madhupur subtresurymdp[at]gmail[dot]com ——
Shri Prasant Layak, Incharge District Legal Section, Deoghar deolegalsec[at]gmail[dot]com ——
Shri Satyendra Chaudhary, Jail Superintendent, Deoghar sj[dot]deoghar[at]gmail[dot]com —–
Shri Kamlesh Kumar, District Statistics Officer, Deoghar deo-dstat[at]jharkhandmail[dot]gov[dot]in ——
Shri Prasant Layak, Incharge of Confidential Section, Deoghar dcdeoghar[at]gmail[dot]com —–
Shri Amar John Aind, District Transport Officer, Deoghar dto-deoghar[at]harkhandmail[dot]gov[dot]in ——
Shri Binod Kumar, District Education Officer, Deoghar deo-deogharjharkhandmail[dot]gov[dot]in ——
Shri Prakash Baitha, District Employment Officer -cum- District Skill Officer, Deoghar deoemp031@gmail[dot]com —–
Shri Binod Kumar, District Superintendent of Education, Deoghar deogharssa[at]rediffmail[dot]com —–
Shri Mukesh Kumar, District Planning Officer, Deoghar dpodeoghar[at]gmail[dot]com ——
Smt. Kumari Ranjana, DSWO, Deoghar dswodeoghar[at]gmail[dot]com ——
Shri Rahul Kumar Bharti, District Public Relation Officer, Deoghar 06432 237244/ 237644 dprodeoghar07[at]gmail[dot]com ——
Smt. Sagari Baral, J.A.S., Officer in Charge, Baba Mandir, Deoghar 06432 232295 contact[at]babadham[dot]org —–
Shri Sanjay Kumar Srivastava, Excise Superintendent, Deoghar deogharexcise[at]gmail[dot]com ——
Shri Rajkumar Sah , District Forest Officer, Deoghar 06432 232397 dfo[dot]deoghar2[at]gmail[dot]com —–
Shri Rajkumar Sah, Forest Conservative Officer , Deoghar conservator[dot]deoghar[at]gmail[dot]com ——
Shri Jitendra Prasad, DFO, Social Forestry, Deoghar dfosfdeo[at]gmail[dot]com ——
Shri Ashok Samrat, District Agriculture Officer, Deoghar, daodeoghar[at]gmail[dot]com ——-
Shri Anand Tiwary, Co-Ordinator KVK, Sujani, Deoghar kvkdeoghar[at]gmail[dot]com —–
Shri Sushil Kumar, District Cooperative Officer, Deoghar dcocopdeo[at]yahoo[dot]co[dot]in ——
Shri Mantu Prasad, Coordinator, ATMA, Deoghar atmadeoghar[at]rediffmail[dot]com ——-
Shri Subhash Ravidas, District Mining Officer, Deoghar —–
Shri Dayanand Dubey, District Welfare Officer, Deoghar weldeo[at]yahoo[dot]com ——
Shri Dipankar Sit, District Fisheries-cum-Chief Executive Officer, Deoghar raushan[dot]fish[at]gmail[dot]com ——
Shri Yashraj , District Horticulture Officer, Deoghar dhodeoghar[at] ——
Shri Santosh Yadav, District Sports Officer, Deoghar ——
Shri Jitendra Paswan, Executive Engineer, RDSD, Deoghar rwdspldgr[at]gmail[dot]com
Shri Sanoth Soren, Executive Engineering Incharge, NREP, Deoghar nrepdeoghar2018[at]gmail[dot]com ——
Shri Sanoth Soren, Executive Engineer, REO, Deoghar rwddeoghar03[at]gmail[dot]com ——
Dr. Kapil Prasad Singh District Animal Husbandry Officer, Deoghar dahodeoghar[at]gmail[dot]com ——
Dr. Sanjay, District Dairy Development Officer, Deoghar dairydeoghar[at]gmail[dot]com —–
Shri Ram kumar singh, District Soil Conservation Officer, Deoghar dscodeoghar[at]gmail[dot]com ——
Shri Rajeev Ranjan, District Disaster Management Officer, Deoghar ddmadeoghar[at]gmail[dot]com ——
Shri Das Kumar Ekka, General Manager, DIC, Deoghar gmdicdeoghar[at]gmail[dot]com ——
Shri Anand kumar Singh ,Executive Engineer, DWSD, Deoghar eedwsd[dot]deoghar[at]gmail[dot]com —–
Shri Naveen Bhagat,Executive Engineer, DWSD, Madhupur eedwsd[dot]madhupur1[at]gmail[dot]com ——
Electricity Executive Engineer, Deoghar Division eee_divisiondeoghar[at]rediffmail[dot]com —–
Executive Magistrate, Electricity and Supply, Deoghar 06432 292558 ese_circledeoghar[at]rediffmail[dot]com ——
Shri Vibhuti Mandal, Sub Register, Deoghar reg[dot]deogharsro[at]gmail[dot]com, reg[dot]deo[at]jharnet[dot]gov[dot]in —–
Kumar Birendra Bahadure, Executive Engineer, RCD Road Division, Deoghar eercddeoghar-jhr[at]nic[dot]in —–
Shri Nagendra Deonath, Executive Engineer, PWD Building, Deoghar eengbcdeoghar-jhr[at]nic[dot]com —–
Shri Shailandra Kumar Sah (Labour Superintendent), Deoghar ls[dot]deoghar[dot]jhr[at]gmail[dot]com ——
Shri Rakesh Prasad (Assistant Labour Superintendent), Deoghar alc[dot]deoghar[at]gmail[dot]com —–
Smt. Sudha Sinha, Superintendent, Remand Home,Deoghar deogharcci[at]gmail[dot]com —–
Commercial Tax,Deoghar deogharcircle[at]yahoo[dot]com —–
Shri Mukesh Kumar, E-District Manager(inc), Deoghar edpm[dot]deoghar[at]gmail[dot]com, edm[dot]deoghar-jhr[at]nic[dot]in ——
Shri Mukesh Kumar, DPO-UIDAI, Deoghar dpouiddeoghar[at]gmail[dot]com —–
Shri Satyam Prakash, CSC Manager, Deoghar coolsatyamprakash[at]gmail[dot]com —–
Shri Santosh Kumar, CSC Manager, Deoghar ersantosh30[at]gmail[dot]com —–
Shri Amit Kumar Sinha, Network Engineer, National Informatics Centre, Deoghar amit98357[at]gmail[dot]com, nfo1[dot]de[dot]jh[at]nic[dot]in —–
Shri Faizan, Network Engineer, National Informatics Centre, Deoghar sfshahilfaizan[at]gmail[dot]com, nfo2[dot]de[dot]jh[at]nic[dot]in ——
Shri Sadanand Kumar, District Roll-Out Manager (iRAD), National Informatics Centre, Deoghar irad[dash]jhdghdrm[at]supportgov[dot]in ——
Block development Officer /Circle Officer /Child Development Project Officer
Name of Officer Code office Email ID Contact No.
Shri Anil Kumar Singh, Circle Officer,Deoghar codeoghar2017[at]gmail[dot]com —–
Circle Officer, Devipur codevipur2017[at]gmail[dot]com —-
Smt Amrita Kumari, Circle Officer, Mohanpur. comohanpur2017[at]gmail[dot]com ——-
Shri Rajnish Kumar, Circle Officer, Sarwan. cosarwan2017[at]gmail[dot]com —–
Smt. Neelam Kumari, Circle Officer, Sonaraithari cosonaraithari2017[at]gmail[dot]com, co-sonaraithari[at]jharkhandmail[dot]gov[dot]in ——
Shri Yamun Ravidas, Circle Officer, Madhupur. comadhupur2017[at]gmail[dot]com —–
Shri Chandan Kumar, Circle Officer, Sarath. cosarath2017[at]gmail[dot]com —–
Shri Shishu Pal Arya, Circle Officer, Palojori. copalojori2017[at]gmail[dot]com —–
Shri Chandrashekhar Tiwary, Circle Officer, Karown. cokarown2017[at]gmail[dot]com —–
Shri Binay Kumar Pandey, Circle Officer, Margomunda. comargomunda[at]gmail[dot]com, co-margomunda[at]jharkhandmail[dot]gov[dot]in —–
Shri Anant Kumar Jha, Block Development Officer, Deoghar bdodeoghar[at]gmail[dot]com, bdo-deoghar[at]jharkhandmail[dot]gov[dot]in —–
Block Development Officer, Devipur bdodevipur[at]gmail[dot]com, bdo-devipur[at]jharkhandmail[dot]gov[dot]in ——
Shri Santosh Kumar Choudhary, Block Development Officer, Mohanpur bdodeoghar[at]gmail[dot]com, bdo-deoghar[at]jharkhandmail[dot]gov[dot]in —–
Shri Rajnish Kumar, Block Development Officer, Sarwan cosarwan2017[at]gmail[dot]com ——
Smt. Neelam Kumari, Block Development Officer, Sonaraithari bdosonaraithari[at]gmail[dot]com, bdo-sonaraithari[at]jharkhandmail[dot]gov[dot]in —–
Shri Sanjay Kumar, Block Development Officer, Madhupur. bdomadhupur[at]gmail[dot]com, bdo-madhupur[at]jharkhandmail[dot]gov[dot]in —–
Shri Chandan Kumar Singh, Block Development Officer, Sarath. bdosarath[at]gmail[dot]com, bdo-sarath[at]jharkhandmail[dot]gov[dot]in ——
Md. Aamir Hamja, Block Development Officer, Palojori. bdopalojori[at]gmail[dot]com, bdo-palojori[at]jharkhandmail[dot]gov[dot]in ——
Shri Hari Oraon, Block Development Officer , Karown. bdokarown[at]gmail[dot]com, bdo-karown[at]jharkhandmail[dot]gov[dot]in —–
Shri Saket Kumar Sinha, Block Development Officer, Margomunda. bdomargomunda[at]gmail[dot]com, bdo-margomunda[at]jharkhandmail[dot]gov[dot]in —–
Kumari Parbhawati, CDPO,Deoghar, Urban cdpodeogharurban[at]gmail[dot]com —–
Smt. Sudha Sinha,CDPO, Deoghar,Rural cdpodeogharrural[at]gmail[dot]com —–
Smt. Sudha Sinha, CDPO, Mohanpur cdpomohanpur[at]gmail[dot]com —–
Shri Vijay Rajesh Barla, CDPO, Devipur cdpodevipurdeo[at]gmail[dot]com —–
Smt Sudha Sinha, CDPO, Sarwan. cdposarwan[at]gmail[dot]com ——
Kumari Ritu, CDPO, Sarath cdposarath[at]gmail[dot]com —–
Shri Parmeshwar Kushwaha, CDPO, Madhupur. cdpomdp[at]gmail[dot]com ——
Kumari Ritu, CDPO, Palojori. cdpopalajori777[at]gmail[dot]com ——
Shri Parmeshwar Kushwaha, CDPO, Karown. cdpokarown[at]gmail[dot]com ——
Shri Johan Tudu, CDPO, Margomunda. cdpomargomunda[at]gmail[dot]com —–
Control Room, Deoghar 06432 235719 / 275455 —–
Shri Gopal Yadav, Fire Brigade Officer,Deoghar 06432 232260 / 101 —–
Incharge Ladies Thana,Deoghar 06432 232600 —–
Jasidih Thana 06432 270234 —–
Madhupur Thana 06432 224427 —–
Chitra Thana 06438 274640 ——
Sarath Thana 06438 254194 ——
Palojori Thana 06432 288110 —–
Karown Thana 06438 256861 —–
Mohanpur Thana 06434 225430 —–
Sonaraithari Thana 06432 257307 —–
Kunda Thana 06432 225430 —–
Sarwan Thana 06438 224427 —–