

Title Description Start Date End Date File
Corrigendum Notice Regarding Tender for Providing Door Step Delivery Services to the Fair Price Shops Located in Urban Area and Block of Deoghar District.

Corrigendum Notice Regarding Tender for Providing Door Step Delivery Services to the Fair Price Shops Located in Urban Area and Block of Deoghar District.
District Supply Office.
Last Date:30.09.2020

14/09/2020 30/09/2020 View (797 KB)
Notice Regarding Tender for Providing Door Step Delivery Services to the Fair Price Shops Located in Urban Area and Block of Deoghar District.

Notice Regarding Tender for Providing Door Step Delivery Services to the Fair Price Shops Located in Urban Area and Block of Deoghar District.
District Supply Office.
Last Date:27.09.2020

14/09/2020 27/09/2020 View (4 MB)
Short tender for purchasing of bus for Madhupur College of Education, Madhupur, Deoghar by Shri Dhiraj Prasad Sahu, Honorable MP, Rajya Sabha.

Short tender for purchase of bus for Madhupur College of Education, Madhupur, Deoghar by Shri Dhiraj Prasad Sahu, Honorable MP, Rajya Sabha.
District Development Section, Deoghar
Last Date:- 25-09-2020, Time:- 02:00 PM

18/09/2020 25/09/2020 View (256 KB)
Notice regarding pre-bid meeting regarding invitation of tender for providing block-wise door step delivery to the fair price shops .

Notice regarding pre-bid meeting regarding invitation of tender for providing block-wise door step delivery to the fair price shops .
District Supply Office,Deoghar

21/09/2020 23/09/2020 View (346 KB)
Tender for Supplying Various Sports Items in Different Places.

Tender for Supplying Various Sports Items in Different Places.
BDO, Madhupur.
Starting Date -28.08.2020
Last Date:09.09.2020 at 1 PM.

28/08/2020 09/09/2020 View (678 KB)
Tender for supplying various sports items in different places.

Tender for supplying various sports items in different places.
BDO, Madhupur.
Starting date -18.06.2020
Last Date:24.06.2020 at 3PM.

18/06/2020 24/06/2020 View (715 KB)
Regarding short term tender for buying different trees from nursery under MANREGA project.

Regarding short term tender for buying different trees from nursery under MANREGA project from DRDA.
Last Date:- 20.06.2020, Time:- 02:00 PM

11/06/2020 20/06/2020 View (2 MB)
Short Re-Tender Regarding Purchasing of Sweater,Shoes and shocks at Samagra Shiksha Abhiyan Office Deoghar.

Short Re-Tender Regarding Purchasing of Sweater,Shoes and shocks at Samagra Shiksha Abhiyan Office Deoghar.
Samagra Shiksha Abhiyan Office Deoghar.
Last Date:-16-06-2020, Time:-01:00 PM

05/06/2020 17/06/2020 View (1 MB)
Regarding submit short term tender for various item in Deputy Development Commission office,Deoghar.

Regarding submit short term tender for various item in Deputy Development Commission Office,Deoghar.
Deputy Development Commission office.
Last date:23.05.2020,02.00 PM.

13/05/2020 23/05/2020 View (679 KB)
Tender regarding purchasing of Sweater,Shoes and shocks at Samagra Shiksha Abhiyan Office Deoghar.

Tender regarding purchasing of Sweater,Shoes and shocks at Samagra Shiksha Abhiyan Office Deoghar.
Samagra Shiksha Abhiyan Office Deoghar.
Last Date:- 26-03-2020, Time:- 02:00 PM

19/03/2020 27/03/2020 View (1 MB)